SEVIS stands for Student and Exchange Visitor Information System, and you are required to validate your visa by registering in SEVIS. You cannot register until you have arrived in the U.S. and provide an exact living address. If staying in a hotel temporarily, you can register with the hotel address and the hotel room number. When logging in, be prepared to provide the following information (addresses must be valid and in the proper format):
House Number, Street Name
Apartment Number or Hotel Room Number
City, State, Zip Code
Phone Number
1551 21st Ave. North
Apt. 12B
Miami, FL33133
To Log in and Validate Your Visa by Entering Your Address:
Go to: American Journey Login
Enter your e-mail
Enter your password
Add address where indicated and click "validate"
You will receive an email confirming your visa has been validated in SEVIS
Wait 10 days before applying for social security. Click here for details on applying for social security
If for any reason you cannot login, contact your AJ1 program director via email or by phone with your living address. If you do not send your information to us, you will not be permitted to remain in the U.S. and your ability to obtain another visa to enter the U.S. may be jeopardized. You also cannot apply for a Social Security number until your record has been activated in SEVIS for a minimum of 10 days.
Throughout your program, you are required to keep your SEVIS record accurate. If you change your address, phone number, or email address at any time during your program, inform AJ1 immediately. Failure to validate your J-1 visa and keep your SEVIS records updated can result in the termination of your program.