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Hospitality Maximum of 12 Months



The regulations limit the length of the J-1 program in the field of hospitality to 12 months. If you accepted a placement less than 12 months in length, it may be possible to extend your program by transferring to a new AJ1 host property. To apply for an extension/transfer, please contact your AJ1 Program Manager 60-90 days prior to your current program end date. 

You can also search independently for a property that is open to hosting your second J-1 program. If this is your preferred approach, please check out the "Change of Host Property" section 1 & 2 for some helpful tips.


Eligibility Requirements:
• Be in good standing at your current host property
• If enrolled in PAYE, account must be up to date/current
• Have completed program evaluations and monthly check in
• Update your resume
• Be financially prepared for expenses related to the transfer such as airfare and housing deposit (if applicable)
• Be open to all locations for training. We cannot accommodate special requests for extensions.


• Insurance: $50 per month, AJ1 will purchase once you make payment.
• Extension/Transfer Fee: Starting at $300
• Outstanding Program Fees: AJ1 will review your file to confirm the amount due for your extension.
• PAYE: If you are enrolled on the Pay As You Earn Program, you will agree to continue to make the monthly payments.


Resume and Interviews:
Log into your account and update your resume. It is important you add and highlight your current internship/training experience. Remember, you want to stand out in the eyes of Hospitality Professionals who are looking at many applicants! Please update your video.

Once you have updated your resume send to AJ1. AJ1 will then present your resume to host properties and coordinate interviews with you. You will need to research the location, property information and all details before accepting the interview.

AJ1 will only present your resume to properties who offer housing or housing assistance due to the short term of your program. You must be open to all locations including resorts, hotels, remote locations, country clubs etc.
Housing costs and additional living expenses vary depending on the property. You will be informed of all details of the property in your interview offer.

Training Plan/ Program Agreement:
Once payment is received, and the training plan is signed by all parties, AJ1 will issue you a new DS-2019 form giving you authorization to train at your new host. The new training plan will become your updated training agreement between you, the new host property, and AJ1.

Travel Expenses:

You will be responsible for the cost of travel to your new host property. You must submit the arrival form 10 days prior to arrival at your new property.

Traveling Outside of the USA:

Because of the dates of your original program, your M visa (multiple entry visa) may expire before your new end date, not allowing you to travel outside of the USA. Please take a moment to review your visa page to determine the last day you can re-enter the USA.


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